The Pilgriming Series

A guided journal for those who sojourn in the promised land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

To purchase a hard copy–one that you can take notes and scribble in–simply click on the A Curated Journey cover image. To make a donation for the use of the PDF App version (found at simply click on the Donate link provided above. (You will likely need to download the Keshet Journeys app to your mobile device to access the PDF).

All donations will be allocated to 121 mission ventures and to the creation of a Israel Tour Scholarship Fund.

121 Inc. is a missions nonprofit that exists to commission youth and young adults serving those broken in poverty and orphaned, visiting youth in distress primarily at children’s homes in the Southeastern US and telling them of the love of Christ. As the 121 Israel Scholarship Fund grows, we will begin to offer Pilgriming Tours through Keshet Journeys. To see what 121 does, you can visit:

Now available on Amazon

A guided journal of ascent for those preparing to sojourn in the promised land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

A Prepared Journey was written to serve as a guided journal of preparation for persons and groups planning to tour the land of Israel. We recommend your group or friend circle meet regularly to arrange for a pilgrimage of this kind. Here you will find eight weeks of devotional thoughts: pages for your takeaways–pages to record discussed logistics–pages to remember what you’re praying for–the Psalms of Ascent for weekly meditation. It also contains essential tips and reminders for how to pilgrim well in the land.

Up next will be a leader’s guide for those endeavoring to lead their church groups, small groups, youth groups, etc. on pilgrimages to Israel.

click on cover image to puchase